Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas from Kosovo!

Charlie and I are spending Christmas in Kosovo. We will be thinking of all our family and friends as we toast you on Christmas Day. Health and Happiness to you all! You make our lives so special

We began getting into the Christmas spirit in Vienna and continued it onto Prague. Then I spent last week in Dublin with Maggie, Robin and Lyla making Christmas cookies, shopping, enjoying all the decorations and being immersed in the Christmas tide.

On Christmas Day we are having some fellow Americans (and one really great German guy) over for dinner. We are having ham! Unbelievable in this Muslim country! One of our friends got it from the US Embassy so we are set.

It is always fun to try to replicate US holiday feasts here. I was looking for cream of tartar for cookies and two really nice men at the grocery store kept bringing me various packaged mixes to make pudding (cream?). It may be a challenge to get things here but the people are always so nice and try so hard to help you.

We have five more weeks here. I have LOTS of packing to do. How did we accumulate so much stuff! And I do have several adventures to post for you readers. We are going to Italy for New Years so, hopefully, I'll get those posts written in 2012 before we leave for home.

May your Christmas be fun and happy and your New Year healthy and full of happy surprises!